Friday, May 30, 2008

Peanut is 4 weeks old!

I cannot belive that Nicolas is 4 weeks old today. It seems like just yesterday that I had him....except the healing part! That part has really sucked! Gilbert and I agreed that this might be our only child! LOL He is getting so big, I weighed him and he is like 11 lbs now! Of course he is eating like a pig! He's eating almost 5oz at a time, which is not usual for a baby of 4 weeks, but the Dr. said feed him more less often and it should be fine.
So far he is an exceptional baby! He only cries when he is hungry...which is great. When he is pee pee, he doesn't cry, but when he is poopy, he makes the funniest sound...I'm trying to get it on video to post, but it's like he inhales through his chest (you know when you make an OMG sound), it's the funniest thing. He does it like 3-4 times and then we know he is poopy. It's a good alert system actually. I think that what he is thinking is OMG I am sitting in poop....get me out of it! Then comes the fun part...when changing his diaper it's like the human play doh factory, it just keeps coming out and coming out, it's ridiculous! Sometimes it takes like 10-15 wipes, and even then I end up giving him a bath!
My funny story of the day was when Gilbert and I were changing his poopy diaper he peed (saw that one coming!) and it went all over his clothes, back and into the back of his hair!!! Yuck! We had to rush him out and give him a bath! What a character he is already.
He tries to reach up and play with anything dangling in his face...his mobile...the hanging things on his play mat...he's really advanced for his age. He also moves his shoulder forward when his pacifier falls out onto it trying to get it back into his mouth! Not bad for 4 weeks old huh?!

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Only cries when he is hungry? Oh you are SO lucky! Count your blessings!!!That's how my boys were, but this one she cries all the time for nothing..not fun!!