Monday, March 10, 2008

Baby Nicolas Update

We finally decided on a middle name, it's going to be Alexander, and the first name will not have the traditional "h" in it. So Nicolas instead of Nicholas.

I had a Non-Stress test last week on Wednesday at Winnie Palmer because I felt like the fetal movements should be more frequent, and then wouldn't ya soon as I was strapped down, he was moving up a storm! Nice work baby! He's already being defiant!! Everything is good though, he has been moving pretty actively.

The baby room is painted!! I love it! Gilbert is finishing the touch ups this weekend to the baseboards, but otherwise it looks awesome! We are going with the Winnie the Pooh theme, and I know it's a common theme, but I loved it when I saw it at Target, and had to have it, so the room matches perfectly!

We had the baby shower this past Saturday...I didn't get all the stuff on the list that I NEEDED, but that's okay, we are going to buy it sometime soon.

I can't wait for all this to be O-V-E-R!!!

1 comment:

Paul, Cristina, Sebastian, Matteo, Luca, and Emilio said...

Very exciting times!! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, I can't believe how fast it goes once he actually makes his appearance. Glad to hear everything is going great!!