Tuesday, July 8, 2008

2 Month Check-Up

Today Peanut had his 2 month check-up at the pediatricians office. She said he was doing great! He already weighs 13.8 lbs! So he is ahead of schedule to double his weight by 4 months! LOL Anyway, he had to have his 1st real set of shots today, and it was really emotional for me, as well as the baby. I was crying when he was crying! Totally traumatic. Gilbert couldn't understand why I was crying....MEN! they never get it do they? I tried to explain to him that seeing my baby in pain and not being able to do anything for him was awful!!!

Anyway, his little leg bled from each poke, it just broke my heart....but overall he is doing well tonight. No reactions so far. I have been giving him baby Tylenol as a precautionary measure today so he doesn't get a fever, and he seems to be doing really well. He was a little fussy this afternoon, but again, I think that was him being hungry....as usual! haha

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