Saturday, July 5, 2008

First July 4th

Nicolas with his Baby's First 4th bib on

Yesterday we celebrated Nicolas' first 4th of July! I can't believe that he is growing so fast! I know I said that in the last entry but he is! He's pretty much sleeping through the night, and he still doesn't cry unless he's hungry! Which is great, because he could just be crying just to cry, but luckily so far we got a good one! haha

My parents came over and we cooked out. My dad is obsessed with the baby, so he wants to see him anytime he can! Before I had the baby we hardly talked, now he calls just to see how the baby is doing...not so much me, or Gilbert...just the baby! Some people....

Anyway, Peanut looks like he's going to be a TV watcher! Oh no! Yet another characteristic like his can put him in his little chair in front of the TV and put on a Tom and Jerry cartoon and he's just loving life! He also loves his swing more than anything. I put him in there at night to rock him to sleep, and he'll sleep in the thing! I don't have the heart to move him when he looks so peaceful. Besides...I was always told let sleeping babies lie. So that is what I do....

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